No matter what your reason for contacting us is, we are here to listen and help you.

Contact Us

Please use the following means to get in touch:

Contact Us

At Apamac we are attentive to any message you send us.

Contact us and make a difference!

At APAMAC, we are dedicated to protecting and caring for animals in need. You can also be part of this noble cause. Whether you want to report a case of animal abuse, give a home to a furry friend, or contribute a life-saving donation, we are here for you. Together we can make a difference!

Animal Abuse

If you witness or suspect a case of animal abuse, do not hesitate to contact us immediately. Each report is one more step towards a world free of cruelty. Your brave action can save a life. Report now!

adopt a furry

Nothing compares to the joy of giving a home to an animal in need. We have a variety of furry friends eagerly awaiting a loving family. Are you ready to find your perfect partner? Adopt today!

Donate and Save Lives

Your donations make our work possible. Every contribution makes a difference in the life of an animal in need. Help us continue to protect and care for those who cannot do so for themselves. Donate now!

Animal abuse cases

Please use the form to report a case or request related legal information, your identity will always be protected.

You can also call us by writing to us at the following line:

Contact Us

At Apamac we are attentive to any message you send us.

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